Leslie Silva in her office
Career Counselor Leslie Silva in her office

Tis the season. And no, believe it or not I am not referencing the 76ers this time—but I am making a list...of professional development tips. 

Network, network, network
With the holiday season often comes holiday parties. Whether you are getting together with family, friends or acquaintances it is a chance to connect with people, which is what networking is all about. Take the opportunity to talk to people about your career goals. Most internships and jobs are secured through networking, which doesn't always mean dressing up and going to a designated networking event. We are constantly networking. Remember that what you know is important, but so is who you know. 

Update your resume and Linkedin
I recommend that all students keep a running Google Doc of their accomplishments, updating it periodically. At the end of each semester—when you aren't stressed out about classwork—update your master resume. Add projects you have completed, skills you have gained, and classes that pertain to your major. It will make the application process for summer internships and full time jobs much easier.

Likewise, update your LinkedIn with any new information including projects, course work, and professional experiences. Check out the LinkedIn Basics resource on TUPortal for tips on creating a successful profile. 

Apply for jobs and internships 
Between Thanksgiving and the New Year companies hit the brakes on the hiring process as people are often traveling and spending time with their families. However, there are plenty of job postings you can be applying to during this lull. Use this time to apply for the positions you have been too busy to get to over the semester. Head to TUPortal for sample resumes and cover letters to help you in the process. 

Start your interview preparation 
Maybe you have already applied to jobs/internships and are waiting to hear back from them to (hopefully) set up interviews. Don't wait to hear back from them before you start preparing for the interview. Practice some standard interview questions like: "tell me about yourself!" Check out the Behavioral Interview guide on TUPortal for 20 sample behavioral interview questions and a quick method for how to answer them using the "SARA technique." 

Schedule an appointment with me or Michael Madera 
Maybe you have applied to positions but aren't hearing anything back? Come see us to devise a better strategy. Maybe you have interviews lined up and want to prepare for them? Schedule an appointment for a mock interview before the spring semester kicks into high gear. You can make an appointment through our online job portal, Handshake: https://temple.joinhandshake.com/appointments/new

Have fun!
As engineering students, you work really hard day in and out. Take some time and practice self-care to recharge and be ready for the spring semester ahead! 

Regardless of how you personally celebrate the holiday season, take some time to reflect on the past semester. I am thankful to be a small part of your journey as engineers... and for the 76ers. Always remember...trust the process!