Dr. Joe McGinley (ENG, 96) is about as Temple made as you can be. After earning four degrees from Temple—BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering, PhD in Physiology and MD from Katz School of Medicine—McGinley became a practicing surgeon, radiologist and physician. He can now count Gallery of Success honoree among his many titles.
During Homecoming weekend, McGinley was recognized alongside outstanding alumni from 16 other schools and colleges into the gallery, which showcases Temple University alumni who have utilized the skills and knowledge learned at Temple to chart their own paths in their studied fields.
The President and CEO of McGinley Manufacturing also works as a radiologist for MSK Intervention and Sports Medicine, and provides industry support to a senior design team, as he has in the past. He shared his thoughts on taking engineering concepts to entrepreneurial reality with senior design students during a visit last semester.
"When you start a company or when you're motivated to advance your career, it takes hard work. There's no doubt about it. You have to be willing to be wrong and learn from your mistakes. And you have to have a desire, a passion," he said.
To learn more about the Gallery of Success, visit https://www.alumni.temple.edu.